Beck's Sourdough Food, 2 - 1 lb. bags -To be Shipped!
Feed your culture the good stuff!
Our sourdough culture is everything to us at Beck's Bakery! We depend on a robust, happy culture to leaven most of our breads. We keep our whole grain culture healthy and happy by feeding it this grain mix of organic stone ground whole rye & wheat flours.
Do you have a sluggish white flour culture? Throw in a handful of Sourdough Food into your culture as a dose of "vitamins", do it daily and keep it warm and it should perk-up within 7 days. Check out our Care & Feeding of Sourdough Starter video for more tips on keeping a strong culture.
2 bags, 1 pound each
This is not for local pick-up (see Farmer's Market Menu for local pick-up) It will be shipped!

Beck's Sourdough Food, 2 - 1 lb. bags -To be Shipped!
Thank you for your kind note with my order! I am excited and feeding with so much joy!